
The agro-food companies of Grupo Fuertes donate 100 tonnes of food in 2015


The agro-food companies that form part of Grupo Fuertes donated 100,470 kilos of food and water last year to different charities, such as the Food Banks in the Region of Murcia and Albacete, Caritas, Jesús Abandonado and Proyecto Hombre, and other institutions.

This initiative aims to alleviate the most urgent needs of the underprivileged and help cover the huge food demand which these social entities try to meet.

As well as donating food the companies which form part of Grupo Fuertes participate in initiatives aimed at improving the surroundings in which they undertake their business activity on a social, environmental and economic level. Along those lines, the most emblematic company of the group, ElPozo Alimentación, has recently become a sponsor of the Spanish Paralympic Team for the Games in Río de Janeiro 2016.

The holding company is also committed to work on integrating disabled people via the Once Foundation’s Integra programme. It supports the Association of Rare Diseases and Other Serious Developmental Conditions, D’GENES, and makes economic contributions, among other things, to the Spanish Cancer Association, Médicos sin Fronteras (Doctors without Borders), and the Francisco Munuera Foundation, whose main objective is the rehabilitation, insertion and integration into society of those people diagnosed with a mental illness.

Furthermore, Grupo Fuertes backs the initiative “Poción de Héroes”, a social project to help children with oncological diseases which is in place in the Virgen de la Arrixaca hospital, Murcia, as well as other hospitals around Spain.