
Pie de Foto: de izq. a dcha. de abajo arriba, director general adjunto de ElPozo Alimentación, Rafael Fuertes, presidente de Porcelanosa, Héctor Colonques, consejero delegado Banco Sabadell, Jaime Guardiola, presidente de ElPozo Alimentación, Tomás Fuertes, CEO NK5, Juan José Nieto, subdirector general Banco Sabadell, Jaime Matas, director general Supermercados Masymas, José Juan Fornés y vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Alicante, Juan Llopis.

ElPozo Alimentación hosts the Advisory Board Meeting of the eastern division of Sabadell Bank


The chief executives from the financial entity participated together with Porcelanosa, Nk5, Alicante University, Masymas Supermarkets and ElPozo Alimentación

ElPozo Alimentación has hosted the Advisory Board Meeting of the eastern division of Sabadell Bank in its facilities for the first time, the aim of which was to take the pulse of the Region’s socio-economic situation.

Chief executives of the financial entity, including their managing director, Jaime Guardiola, and the deputy managing director,  Jaime Matas attended the meeting; as well as the members of the Advisory Board, in this case the president of Porcelanosa, Héctor Colonques, the  CEO of NK5, Juan José Nieto, the managing director of Masymas Supermarkets, the vice chancellor of International Relations from Alicante University, Juan Llopis, and the host, Rafael Fuertes, assistant managing director of ElPozo Alimentación.

The Region of Murcia is a strategic territory for the entity, where Sabadell Bank maintains a close relationship in terms of presence and share of business.